Case Study
Hoag Hospital - Lighting Retrofit
Annual savings: $176,924
Carbon dioxide saved:
1,793,086 lbs.
Sulfur dioxide saved:
13,800.05 lbs.
Nitrogen oxide saved:
7,301 lbs.
Project details
In a multiple-phase effort, LTS Property Services provided Hoag Hospital with substantial energy and maintenance savings.
LTS Property Services installed high-efficiency exterior lighting fixtures in the hospital’s parking structures and lots. Inside, crews replaced linear and downlight fixtures with full LED replacements. Finally, LTS installed more than a thousand occupancy sensors to automatically turn off lights in various spaces when they were unoccupied.
Previous Usage: 510.31 KW
New Usage: 346.48 KW
Total Savings: 163.83 KW
Previous KWh: 3,671,711
New KWh: 2,492,219
KWh Saved: 1,179,492