Case Study

Murrieta Valley Unified School District - Lighting Retrofit

Dorothy McElhinney Middle School, Thompson Middle School, Shivela Middle School, Warm Springs Middle School, Vista Murrieta High School, Murrieta Mesa High School, Murrieta Valley High School


Annual savings: $255,868

Carbon dioxide saved:
2,477,558 lbs.

Sulfur dioxide saved:
19,067 lbs.

Nitrogen oxide saved:
10,088 lbs.

Project details

The Murrieta Valley Unified School District contracted LTS Property Services for full interior retrofits of offices, classrooms, hallways, gyms, and service rooms in seven of the district’s largest schools.

This project was part of an effort to meet Prop 39 energy conservation guidelines put forth by the District to California Energy Commission. The successful project saved the district a significant amount each year.


Previous Usage: 1,055.753 KW
New Usage: 428.931 KW
Total Savings: 626.822 KW

Previous KWh: 2,744,958
New KWh: 1,115,221
KWh Saved: 1,629,737